The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore’s Action Shooting Committee exists to bring various shooting disciplines to all of the Range Badge Holders and guests of the Range. We host bi-weekly practice sessions on Thursday evenings and we generally have one weekend match per month (during non-Winter months, generally March through early November).
Our weekday practices will generally focus on one or two two firearms. Our 3 GUN matches are rifle, pistol, and shotgun.
The only gun you love to hate. Or is it hate to love? Regardless, the shotgun is most folk’s least favorite of the disciplines. This usually comes down to reloading and recoil. Once you master those, you’ll have a blast. In order to be competitive, you’ll need a semi-auto with an extended magazine and a few other upgrades. Don’t worry about it if you don’t have one yet or only have a pump action, we are very accommodating at our practices and I’m sure plenty of people will let you borrow theirs. Just bring a couple boxes of ammo, 12 gauge, 7.5 or 8 shot, about 1200-1300fps (faster than what is allowed for trap).
Again semi-auto is the only way to go here. We highly recommend an AR-15. If you don’t have one, but have something comparable, please bring it out to one of our practice sessions and we’ll take a look. Light recoil calibers, low to no magnification scopes or red dots are recommended. And, just like with shotguns, if you don’t have something appropriate or want to see what others are using, then come on out and observe and talk to folks. Most of us would be honored to share our toys with the new kids on the block. You’ll want at least two magazines of standard (30 rounds) capacity. 5.56/.223 only when shooting on the field 70-180 yards, full metal jacket, no steel core, no green tip. When shooting at 200 yards from the bench area we will allow higher caliber ammo up to 308.
Usually starts off as everyone’s favorite to shoot right up until they realize how much air there is between the targets on a plate rack. For this discipline you will want a full to medium size pistol with at least a capacity of 15, striker fired, sights or optic is fine. Make sure you have four magazines.
Lots of stuff to discover here and plenty of resources online. If you don’t have gear already, don’t rush out and buy a bunch of stuff. Please come out and see what works for other people. Start small with a basic belt and holster. There is more information about holsters under the “Certifications” tab.