
Certifications 2020-07-02T12:19:35-04:00

Holster Certification


The AGC Holster Certification policy has been put in place in order for individual members to practice drawing from a holster and to also allow those individuals to draw a "hot" handgun during an AGC sanctioned event. The certification is NOT a class. We are simply verifying an existing skill.  We may offer classes in the near future, so if you are interested, please contact us.

Please click on the button below to go to the Associated Gun Clubs website to learn more.  Send an email to action@agcrange.org when you have fulfilled all of the requirements and are ready to schedule

AGC Holster Certification

AGC Steel Certification


The AGC Steel Certification has been developed in order to allow individual members to shoot their steel on the ranges with both centerfire and rimfire rounds. This policy does not affect clubs. The certification process includes passing an online test, showing your steel (or sample) and your mounting method to the AGC representative, and providing information proving that your steel meets the requirement (such as a receipt).

There is also a one-time fee of $10 that must be paid online. Please click on the button below to go to the Associated Gun Clubs website to learn more about the process.

Steel Certification